Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Ryder Cup

After correcting jaggy on a few golfing points I remembered that 37th Ryder Cup will be taking place this year, across the pond in Kentucky . I love the Ryder Cup, especially as Europe have won 6 out of the last 7 no mean feat when you consider that America always have the better golfers, luckily for us they're all up their own arses, apart from David Duvall, who in 2002 after defeat stayed up all night and partied with the European team, why? Because they were having a great time! Here's hoping we can make it 7 from 8. The title of this post is also a link to the official Ryder cup website where you can keep tabs on players points up untill the event, enjoy!

Thursday, 7 February 2008

This Death Star Is Fully Operational

Got my tommy (pc) back from jaggy today after some much needed upgrading! No longer do I have to send the missus out to fetch the buckets of steam needed to keep the thing running.
One point i'd like to clear up though. The aforementioned jagster previously blogged "He wanted his computer fixed for free". Payment actually turned out to be his current malt whisky of the week and a free ticket to a top comedy show which he seemed to thoroughly enjoy. Now, when they get it wrong, even the tabloids issue an apology, usually tucked away on page 43 but there nonetheless. The truth is out there!